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Humanity’s Universal Addictions: What is the Cure?

Why has everyone gone insane?

It’s a question that makes Russell Moore and Ian Morgan Cron—bestselling author, psychotherapist, Enneagram teacher, and Episcopal priest—laugh, and also one that they approach with wisdom and insight. Moore and Cron talk about the confluence of pressures and stressors in the modern world, the relationship of control to certainty, and varying perspectives on anxiety and depression. They discuss practical actions to take when feeling overwhelmed and dive into the Twelve Steps, which Cron’s new book illuminates as helpful not just for alcoholics but for everyone.

Cron and Moore talk about what it means to be addicted, the human desire for relief from pain, and the power of community in the recovery process. Cron sheds light on amends conversations, which book of the Bible each Enneagram type should take to a desert island, and his profound love for God, Scripture, and humankind.

Resources mentioned in this episode or recommended by the guest include:

Only when we see how lost we are, we can find our way again. Only when we bury what’s dead can we experience life again. Only when we lose our religion can we be amazed by grace again.


About Russell Moore

Russell Moore is Editor in Chief of Christianity Today and is the author of the forthcoming book Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America (Penguin Random House).
