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A Conversation with Justin Earley about The Common Rule

In this episode of Signposts, I am joined by Justin Earley to talk about his book, The Common Rule (Winner of the Christianity Today 2020 Book of the Year Award)In our conversation, we talk about calling, habits of the heart and mind, and the way Christians can build lasting routines and spiritual disciplines rooted in the truths of Scripture to cultivate the proper worldview. Justin is a business lawyer in Richmond, Virginia. He is married to Lauren and they have four sons. 

I invite you to listen in to our conversation, and be sure to subscribe to receive future episodes of Signposts.

Only when we see how lost we are, we can find our way again. Only when we bury what’s dead can we experience life again. Only when we lose our religion can we be amazed by grace again.


About Russell Moore

Russell Moore is Editor in Chief of Christianity Today and is the author of the forthcoming book Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America (Penguin Random House).
